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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Pdf

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Sd Kelas 2 Semester 2 Ala Model Kini 2019-09-28 17:54:58, Buku Kelas 2 Sd Mi Tim Guru Mizanstore. Bank Soal Sd Kelas 6 Ala Model Kini 2019-09-28 17:54:58, Buku Bank Soal Ulangan Sd Mi Kelas Vi Semester 1 Soal Bahasa Inggris. Blog Posts poksbrothers 2019-09-28 17:54:58, Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Sd Pdf Template. Dec 28, 2017 Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA dan SMK Kurikulum 2013 Semester 12 Sebagai peserta didik yang ingin menguasai bahasa asing tentu banyak yang harus dipersiapkan. Erlangga Belajar Tiada Henti. File file latihan pada buku Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk SD kelas 1 6, dari Penerbit Erlangga.

Itulah materi Bahasa Inggris di SD kelas 2, Semoga dapat membantu kalian dalam belajar maupun Ibu Bapak dalam mengajar bahasa inggris. Jika kalian menyukai artikel ini silahkan share dan berikan komentar pada kami, karena timbal balik kalian sangatlah memotivasi penulis untuk membuat konten yang lebih baik dan bermanfaat. Sedangkan materi les privat untuk anak SD kelas 2 yang dipelajari yaitu Matematika, IPA, IPS, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Agama dan PKN. Di les privat siswa boleh menentukan pelajaran mana yang dipelajari terlebih dahulu.

Artikel ini membahas tentang contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5, SD/MI, PG dan Essay, semester 1/2, tahun 2020-2021, sehingga kami juga melengkapi dengan kunci jawaban, pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Bahasa Inggris,, Hal Ini adalah salah satu pelajaran yang mempelajari bahasa asing yang sering terdengar di dunia maya dan menggunakan dan dapat menggunakan aplikasi terjemahan. kami dari memberikan contoh soal bahasa Inggris (IBI) kelas 1, 2 hingga 6 untuk sekolah dasar dan MI. Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD/MI Semester 1 & 2 PG dan Essay

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda:

I. Kerjakanlah soal di bawah ini!

Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2

1. Fatin has a good voice. She likes.

a. Skating
b. sing
c. ascend
d. dance

Answer: b

2. I want to clean the floor. I need.

a. water
b. bath soap
c. spoon
d. paper

Answer: a

3. If we want to save money, we can.

a. school
b. market
c. bank
d. household

Harris j full album mp3 rar. Answer: c

4. I … record every Sunday.

a. Watch
b. read
c. to buy
d. research

Answer: a

5. My uncle … in the mosque.

a. to play
b. pray
c. watch
d. for cooking

Answer: b

6. Usually … 5 a.m.

a. sleep
b. Wake up
c. shower
d. breakfast

Answer: b

7. I always … after returning from school.

a. breakfast
b. lunch
c. dinner
d. dinner

Answer: b

8. My brother is taking a nap in.

a. Tomorrow
b. night
c. Good afternoon
d. night

Answer: c

9. After dinner. I looked at my watch. Now at nine I say.

a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good night
d. Good night

Answer: d

10. Chelina … diary every night.

a. write
b. the cook
c. hour
d. to play

Answer: a

11. My father usually plants several trees. She likes.

a. for cooking
b. fish
c. gardening
d. a painting

Answer: c

12. Keanu takes a bath in.

a. bedroom
b. bathroom
c. kitchen
d. family room

Answer: b

13. We have to play dragon in.

a. way
b. field
c. garden
d. school

Answer: b

14. Nonik …. English every day.

a. study
b. write
c. listen up
d. hour

Answer: a

15. His hobby is … He reads a lot of books.

a. singing
b, write
c. read
d. to play

Answer: c

16. I … the floor every morning.

a. listen up
b. for cooking
c. sweeping
d. watch

Answer: c

17. We have breakfast at.

a. Tomorrow
b. Good afternoon
c. night
d. midnight

Answer: a

18. We can play soccer in.

a. court
b. terrace
c. field
d. bedroom

Answer: c

19. Nando must … camp.

a. ball
b. tent
c. clean
d. bat

Answer: b

20. We can climb.

a. mountain
b. House
c. school
d. Library

Answer: a

21. Putri likes to cook.

a. park
b. bathroom
c. the dining room
d. kitchen

Answer: d

22. We can.

a. way
b. House
c. Street
d. beach

Answer: d

23. Aldy and Aldo carry the ball and the racket. You want to play.

a. Table Tennis
b. soccer
Coremelt slicex and trackx 2 9 5 download free. c. basketball
d. volleyball

Answer: a

24. Morgan likes music. He is a pianist. He is playing.

a. guitar
b. piano
c. flute
d. violin

Answer: b

25. Henry's hobby is philatelic. He likes to collect.

a. Story Book
b. stamp
c. car
d. picture

Answer: b

Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4

Contoh Soal Essay:

1. My hobby is reading story books

2. Tono plays marbles

3. Almira cooks at 5:20 a.m.

4. Reno usually comes home from school at 1:00 at night.

5. Amanda always sweeps the yard in the morning.

6. Rina's hobby is dancing

7. Reading can enrich our knowledge

8. You play marbles on the lawn

9. Naomi takes a nap at two

10. Tina plays jump rope in the afternoon

Demikian yang kami sampaikan Soal Bahasa Inggris (IBI) Kelas 5. SD/MI, Tahun 2020-2021Semester 1 / 2 . Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat, Sekian dan terima kasih.

Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4

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Soal Bahasa Inggris


Read the text carefully!

My BirthdayMy name in Sarah. My birthday is on august the ninth. Now I am eleven years old. Mybrother, Dean, is eight years old. His birthday is on April the fourth. On my birthday, my fatherusually gives me a birthday present. Sometimes on my birthday we go to the beach.

I. Choose the correct answer based on the text above! (for no. 15)1. When is Sarah Birthday?A. It is September the ninthB. It is on April the fourthC. It is August the ninthD. It is August the fifth

2. Does Sarah's father give Sarah a birthday present on her birthday?A. Yes, he doesB. Yes, he isC. No, she doesn'tD. No, he isn't

3. How old is Sarah now?A. She is eleven years oldB. She is ten years oldC. She is eight years oldD. She is nine years old4. When is Dean's birthday?A. It is on August the ninthB. It is on April the fourthC. It is on April the fifthD. It is on April the ninth

5. Where do they go on Sarah's birthday?A. They go to the cinemaB. They go to the mallC. They go to restaurantD. They go to the beach

II. Chose the correct answers by crossing a, b, c or d!6. Whice is the correct question of time?A. What is your phone number?B. What time is it?C. How old are you?D. What time it?

7. What time is it?A. it is nine o'clockB. it is seven o'clockC. it is twelve o'clockD. it is eight o'clock

8. What time is it?A. a quarter to twoB. a quarter to threeC. a quarter to oneD. a quarter to four

9. Today is thursday. what day is tomorrow?A. tomorrow is wednesdayB. tomorrow is fridayC. tomorrow is saturdayD. tomorrow is Monday

10. What is the month before September?A. It is NovemberB. It is OctoberC. It is DecemberD. It is August

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C or D!
(Pilih jawaban yang tepat dengan menyilang huruf A, B, C atau D!)
1. Rina is 150 cm
Vini is 165 cm
Anisa is 170 cm
Vini is . than Rina.
A. tall
B. taller
C. tallest
D. as tall as
2. Rindi . the floor everyday.
A. sweeps
B. is sweeps
C. sweeping
D. has sweep
3. This book cost is fifteen thousand rupiahs.
A. Rp. 50.000,00
B. Rp. 15.000,00
C. Rp. 75.000,00
D. Rp. 85.000,00
4. The opposite of big is .
A. clever
B. dilligent
C. long
D. small
5. Sandi is a hunter. He likes .
A. hunting
B. climbing
C. writing
D. reading
6. We buy stamps in the .
A. post office
B. airport
C. hospital
D. railway station
7. Cindy is 90 kg and Rida is 90 kg. Cindy is . Rida.
A. fatter
B. fattest
C. fat
D. as fat as
8. Ant is small but elephant is .
A. long
B. big
C. slim
D. small
9. Indonesia is in .
A. America
B. Europe
C. Australia
D. Asia
10. I need a cup of . for breakfast.
A. fried rice
B. tea
C. potato
D. bread
11. It is .

B. three o'clock

A. nine o'clock

C. a quarter past eight

A. drink

15. I like to eat . for breakfast.
A. bread
B. fried rice
C. poridge
D. potato
16. I like to play .
A. basket ball
B. volley ball
C. table tennis
D. golf
17. My hobby is playing .
A. chess
B. kite
C. ball
D. guitar
18. I always have . in the morning.
A. dinner
B. lunch
C. breakfast
D. ball
19. My hobby is . because I like dangdut song.
A. climbing
B. reading
C. writing
D. singing
20. I like to play .
A. piano
B. guitar
C. violin
D. drum

21. A : Do you like .?
B : Yes, I do
A. dancing
B. painting
C. drawing
D. singing
22. Mango, apple, watermelon and banana are the names of .
A. vegetables
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Pdf
B. animals
C. fruits
D. flowers
23. This is a .
A. cucumber
B. cabbage
C. chili
D. spinach
24. Marsha is playing .
A. guitar
B. piano
C. drum
D. violin
25. It is a quarter to ten.
A. 9.45
B. 9.15
C. 10.45
D. 10.15
26. It is eleven o'clock.
A. 11.00
B. 10.30
C. 12.00
D. 12.30
27. It is 7.15
A. a half past seven
B. a quarter past seven
C. a quarter past eight
' D. it is seven o'clock
28. It is a .
A. spagHetti
B. fried chicken
C. hamburger
D. pizza
29. I need . to play badminton.
A. sun glasses
B. ball
C. shuttle cock
D. bicycle
30. My father likes . in the morning
A. jogging
B. playing basket ball
C. playing volley ball
D. swimming
31. Yuni and I are in the classroom.
. are studying English now.
A. She
B. He
C. They
D. We
32. Mr.Irwan is my English teacher.
. very kind.
A. She
B. He
C. We
D. They
33. Ms.Yuli is my favorite teacher.
. teaches English.
A. She
B. He
C. We
D. They
34. Sandi, Rizky and Arman are my friends.
. are playing football now.
A. We
B. You
C. They
D. I
35. The baby drinks a bottle of .
A. milk
B. syrup
C. soda
D. coffee
36. I need . to make soup.
A. animals
B. books
C. vegetables
D. fruits
37. This is a .
A. circle
B. square
C. triangle
D. rectangle
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Pdf
B. animals
C. fruits
D. flowers
23. This is a .
A. cucumber
B. cabbage
C. chili
D. spinach
24. Marsha is playing .
A. guitar
B. piano
C. drum
D. violin
25. It is a quarter to ten.
A. 9.45
B. 9.15
C. 10.45
D. 10.15
26. It is eleven o'clock.
A. 11.00
B. 10.30
C. 12.00
D. 12.30
27. It is 7.15
A. a half past seven
B. a quarter past seven
C. a quarter past eight
' D. it is seven o'clock
28. It is a .
A. spagHetti
B. fried chicken
C. hamburger
D. pizza
29. I need . to play badminton.
A. sun glasses
B. ball
C. shuttle cock
D. bicycle
30. My father likes . in the morning
A. jogging
B. playing basket ball
C. playing volley ball
D. swimming
31. Yuni and I are in the classroom.
. are studying English now.
A. She
B. He
C. They
D. We
32. Mr.Irwan is my English teacher.
. very kind.
A. She
B. He
C. We
D. They
33. Ms.Yuli is my favorite teacher.
. teaches English.
A. She
B. He
C. We
D. They
34. Sandi, Rizky and Arman are my friends.
. are playing football now.
A. We
B. You
C. They
D. I
35. The baby drinks a bottle of .
A. milk
B. syrup
C. soda
D. coffee
36. I need . to make soup.
A. animals
B. books
C. vegetables
D. fruits
37. This is a .
A. circle
B. square
C. triangle
D. rectangle
38. This shape is .
A. circle
B. square
C. rectangle
D. triangle

Silabus Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

39. The students borrow books from the .
A. hospital
B. airport
C. post office
D. library
40. My mother is going to . to buy vegetables and fruits.
A. school
B. market
C. hospital
D. post office
41. The sun rises in the .
A. west
B. east
C. north
D. south
42. Bandung is in . java.
A. east
B. south
C. north
D. west
43. The sun sets in the .
A. south
B. north
C. west
D. east
44. Surabaya is in . Java.
A. west
B. north
C. south
D. east
45. We can see camel in the .
A. zoo
B. swimming pool
C. school
D. hospital
46. I must wear . to school.
A. raincoat
B. jacket
C. uniform
D. pajama
47. This is my .
A. hat
B. tie
C. belt
D. shirt
48. These are my .
A. socks
B. shoes
C. hat
D. t-shirt
49. I can see with my .
A. eyes
B. nose
C. hands
D. foot

Download Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Pdf

50. I have ten .
A. eyes
B. nose
C. hands
D. fingers
51. We smell with our .
A. nose
B. mouth
C. hands
D. eyes
52. I can hear with my .
A. eyes
B. nose
C. ears
D. hands
53. I write a letter with my .
A. nose
B. foot
C. hand
D. head
54. He kicks the ball with his .
A. foot
B. hand
C. nose
D. lips
55. The color of sky is .
A. yellow

Materi Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 4

B. black
C. red
D. blue
56. The color of jasmine flower is .
A. black
B. white
C. yellow
D. red
57. The color of Indonesian flag is .
A. white and red
B. red and white
C. yellow and white
D. blue and red
58. The color of strawberry is .

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Pdf Download

A. red
B. black
C. brown
D. purple
59. There are . days in a week.
A. four
B. five
C. six
D. seven
60. We have flag ceremony on .
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Tuesday
D. Wednesday
61. Before Friday is .
A. Saturday
B. Sunday
C. Thursday
D. Wednesday
62. There are . months in a year.
A. twelve
B. twenty
C. seven
D. ten
63. We celebrate Kartini Day on .
A. January
B. August
C. February
D. April
64. The first month is .
A. January
B. February
C. October
D. December
65. The last month is .
A. January
B. December
C. April
D. August
66. Today is Friday. Yesterday was .
A. Wednesday
B. Tuesday

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Pdf File

C. Saturday
D. Thursday
67. I have holiday on .
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Tuesday
D. Wednesday
68. nine times four equals .
A. 34
B. 36
C. 46
D. 16
69. Thirty divided by three equals .
A. ten
B. twelve
C. fifteen
D. five
70. twenty plus twenty five equals .
A. forty
B. thirty five
C. forty five
D. fifty
71. Santi will listen the music. She switches on the .
A. radio
B. fan
C. refrigerator
D. lamp
72. Pelabuhan Ratu is the name of the .
A. zoo
B. museum
C. beach
D. hospital
73. Borobudur . in Central Java.
A. zoo
B. airport
C. crater
D. temple
74. Nancy goes to Australia by .
A. car
B. plane
C. bicycle
D. motorcycle
75. I have a pen. It is . pen.
A. my
B. she
C. he
D. they
76. We have a big house. This is . house.
A. She
B. He
C. our
D. they
77. She has a cat. It is . cat.
A. He
B. her
C. we
D. they
78. The ice is .
A. cold
B. hot
C. warm
D. very hot
79. Joko Widodo is the . of Indonesia.
A. vice president
B. minister

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Sd Pdf Free

C. prime minister
D. president
80. The opposite of weak is .
A. strong
B. big
C. small
D. long
II. Read the text carefully then answer the questions based on the text!
(Bacalah teks dengan seksama kemudian jawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks!)
Dania's Classroom
This is Dania's classroom. There are thirty students in her class. They are fourteen boys and sixteen girls. The classroom has fifteen tables and thirty chairs. It also has one whiteboard, two cupboards, five pictures, a fan, a vase and two maps. The classroom is very clean and beautiful. The fan is beside the cupboards and the maps are in front of the picture.
83. There are . girls in the classroom.
87. Where is the fan?

91. The capital of East Java is .
95. I buy a toy car in the .
96. My father wants to make a cup of coffee. He needs coffee and .
98. I will go to Kalimantan by plane. I must go to .
pictures : google


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